Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas 2008

We spent the holidays in Ft. Stockton with Josh's family- his parents; brother Chris and his fiancee Kylee; his mom's brother and his wife, Jamie and Judy; their daughter Jill, her husband Brad, their two kids Hudson and Carter; their other daughter Jodie; and his grandparents, Memo and Papaw. It was a houseful at times, but it was a lot of fun. We ate entirely too much food while we were there. It got to the point where it felt like we had just eaten even though it had been hours! Mostly we just hung around the house, visited, and played games.

Me, Josh, SuSu, Chris, & Kylee

Bayla- he saw the camera come out and he wanted SuSu to take a picture of him!

Me and Josh

With Memo and Papaw

Add Josh's parents

On Friday Josh and I headed out the family ranch to explore and do some target practice. A few months ago, part of the ranch burned so we wanted to check things out.

Josh eating lunch at the house

I can't remembered what he called this, but it looked really pretty against all the brown

Indian Paintings

More Indian Paintings

I think some of these look like they could be fossils

These next few are part of an area that burned.

Even though it was burned, there were still signs of life!

Indian mound where we found a lot of flint and some pieces of arrowheads

There are a lot of crazy looking cactus out there!

One of the windmills

Josh was taking some pictures, Bayla spotted him, and wanted his picture taken again. I really don't know what his fascination with the camera is!
This was my first Christmas not to spend with my family, which was kind of sad, but that's life, so I really wasn't too bummed.
On Christmas Eve, I got this picture that said they missed me!

And then I got this one from Rylie wish me a Merry Christmas!

Her Grandpa RoRo and Ryan are taking her hunting to Big Bend this weekend, so they spent most of Christmas preparing her for the trip since she's never been. Look at her cute little boots! I'm a little sad that I won't be able to go with her because I really want to be there for her first time out!
I'm heading home tonight and Josh will meet me there tomorrow so we can do Christmas with my family and a New Year's lunch on Thursday. I really can't believe 2009 is here already!


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Rylie!

My sweet baby girl Rylie is 3 today!! Last week it was hard to believe that Bayla is now 4, but this is really hard to believe since I have had Rylie since she was born! Long story, very very short...I dated a guy who bought me my first Jack Russell, Abbie, who will be 5 New Year's Day. Then there's Bayla. Well, when he and I broke up, I got Bayla in the "divorce" and he got Abbie. I was out of town for a while and he agreed to watch Bayla for me. Abbie was in heat, he didn't keep them apart, and on Christmas Eve 2005, 5 puppies were born! 3 girls and 2 boys that were absolutely adorable. That is until they all started to get older. By the time they were 6 weeks old, I was so ready for them to go! Rylie ended up being the last puppy and I couldn't bear to sell her, so I decided to keep her. She's got a lot of her mom's aggressive spunk, but she has a very sweet, snuggly side like her dad. Her name was "Little Girl" for the first 3 months of her life because I couldn't come up with a good name. She is very nosy and loves to be outside. If she could, she would play fetch with a ball all day every day!!! She has a very good nose! At the apartments I lived in when I first moved to SA, I lived right next to the tennis court. She found so many tennis balls in the bushes that I won't have to buy any for years! She could sniff 'em out every time! I thought about renting her out to people playing tennis! She really doesn't like men (or most people for that matter) when she first meets them, but she loves Josh and her Grandpa.

Here are some pics of her over the last 3 years!

Pile of puppies!!

Rylie is the one not looking at the camera

With her sisters...and now she has her eyes closed!

Another pile of puppies!

Sweet girl sleeping

With her brother (The Escape Artist). They were the last two.

Helping her Grandma cook

Hanging out in the sun

Just being cute!

Loving the snow

Sleeping in the sun

Lazy eating

Her favorite spot...a pile of towels fresh out of the dryer

The only time she lays on her back is if she is really really tired.

Christmas 2007, hike in the woods at Grandpa's

Scoping out the tank

She has recently taken a liking to laying on the back of the sofa

So tired!

"Quit taking pictures and throw the ball already!"

So pathetic!
