I know I have been a very bad blogger, but there really hasn't been much to blog about. The economy is shitty (which we all know), and we are taking it week by week as to whether we still have jobs or not. That's about it. I will try to be a little better!
I'm sure you've all seen the commercials for PediPaws- the at home pedicure for your pets so that you don't have to take them to get groomed. If you've seen the commercials, it looks really easy to do! Well, Virginia (our secretary) and I were talking about it one day because she has two dogs also. We talked about getting one and sharing it since neither one of us really wanted to spend the $20 to see if it worked. We both kind of forgot about it, but one day right before Christmas, she mentioned that she had bought one. She said that one of her dogs immediately ran to hide, while the other one was a little hesitant. Well, first of all, when she brought it out, the very first thing I thought when she held it up was, 'That thing looks like a vibrator!' and then she flipped the switch! Lo and behold, it sounded like one too! Ha! She and I got a good laugh out of it! She even put it in a bag for me because I said there was no way I was walking upstairs carrying that thing in plain sight because I work with all guys who love to give me a hard time as it is.
Well, this was when Rylie was at my parents, so it was just Bayla. He is the main reason I wanted to get one. Somehow his back feet and all of Rylie's feet stay pretty well trimmed. As a side note- when I lived in my apartment and we would play on the tennis court, I never had to get their toes trimmed because I had a free "pedipaws" right outside my door! Also, when I do have to get his front paws trimmed, I take him to the vet at home because they only charge $5! And you're probably wondering why I even take him to the vet in the first place. That's a good question with a great story! I used to trim them myself. It would take awhile because he doesn't like anyone touching his feet, especially the foot on his hurt leg. One Christmas or summer when I was at home, I wanted my dad to help me do it...I would hold Bayla, and he would do the trimming. In theory, this sounds like a fantastic plan! In reality, it was shitty. I think my dad may have gotten one nail trimmed when Bayla started growling. So, we stopped, calmed him down, and then proceeded to try again. And that is when Bayla bit him! I'm not talking about bruising the skin or a scratch! I am talking about full on, drew blood bit him! And it was on the fatty part on the inside of the palm by the thumb. From that moment, he went to Clint's where they have to muzzle him to do it! I took him this past weekend and he must have moved or something because they took quite a chunk out and he bled all over my truck!
Anyways, back to the PediPaws. I watched the instructional video online, but I had a feeling this still was not going to be easy. I took their advice and set it out for him to sniff it and get used to it being there. And then I turned the thing on! He loved it! He thought it was a toy and wanted to play with it! But then I tried putting it next to him and rubbing his leg with it and he would have none of it. I think Josh may have gotten a little nip of one toenail, but that was it! I gave it back to Virginia to see if she could get it to work on her dogs. She gave it back to me last week so that I can try again. We shall see.
What gets me about their advertisement/commercial is that it looks like you should be able to take it home and immediately be able to use it! I know better then that with my dogs, so I was willing to try it out. What also gets me is that they show animals that are normally pretty passive. They need to be showing an aggressive, hyperactive Jack Russell getting PediPawed! Not an old one, but a fairly young one. That would truly make me a believer in their product! I really think they should develop one that muffles the noise because that is what excites and frightens him. But I won't give up yet! I'm going to try again!
Today, I was surfing and came across this video on one of my favorite sites- slate.com. They tried out PediPaws on some of their own pets, with mixed results. Their conclusion is that it should come with a sedative or you can only use it on old, couch potato animals that really don't care what you are doing to them. It's rather entertaining!