Friday, May 9, 2008

In the beginning...

Wow, my first real blog. Myspace doesn't count...I can control that a little. I'm sure I can do that here too, but I haven't done any searching for it. There's really only one person in particular I would care to keep this from, let's hope he doesn't find it!

I really have started this because of my best friend Jennifer in Nacogdoches. She always gets a kick out my stories of my fiance and me and thinks I should blog about it. So, blog I shall.

I read quite a few blogs...I am a self-proclaimed internet junkie. If you want to know something, I will google until I find the answer. Josh, my fiance, makes fun of me for this. He has a way of using vocabulary in the wrong context or pronunciation, so I go to, look up the word and then send it to him. He says I correct him too much, which is probably true, but I look at it as doing him a favor...I don't want him walking around saying things incorrectly! Most people would probably not notice, but there may come a time that he says the wrong thing to the right person and he'll look like a fool. He usually doesn't see it this way though. I am also a huge fan of You know all those crazy forwards you get about some lady that was abducted in the Target parking lot because she tried to help on old lady, well go to snopes, search for it and see if it's true or not. Most of the time they are false, and I can't stand getting false information. Anyways, the point of this paragraph is that I can't wait to be able to share some of the amazing blogs of some pretty amazing people.

Quite a bit is happening in my life right now, and this space is going to be a great way to get it all out there and hopefully make some new friends along the way. A little breakdown of the life and times of Nikki that I will elaborate more on later:
~Getting married in October!!!
~Buying a house right now!
~My dog getting sick...and sending me to the poorhouse
~My sister
~And probably a few more things that are escaping me at the moment

Stay tuned for more!!!


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