Josh in our living room after we had rearranged the furniture 5 times!

The kitchen

Our breakfast room
This area was an atrium at one time. It deserves a blog entry all on it's own describing what was done to it! Anyways, this was the "storage area" until everything could be moved to it's proper place.
The other side of the atrium
"The Blue Room"/Guest room after I had already tackled and organized it's contents.

"The Blue Room" again

The closet in "The Blue Room"

Josh's "Man Cave"

"My Room"/Wedding Central

I think they heard the cicadas and were trying to figure out what the noise was

Bayla's newest hiding place! We had just hooked up the DVD player with surround sound because we didn't have cable yet, and I noticed Bayla was missing. He doesn't like loud noises, especially the surround sound. I went looking for him and found him just laying there hanging out!
I guess I forgot to take pics of the master bedroom. It'll have to wait til next time.
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