And the economy has officially messed with my life! We went to see Dave Ramsey live this weekend. He was really really good. Josh has read the book and has told me all about it, so I understand his philosophy, but it was still good to hear in person. Now, we just have to put it into action. However, the economy has pretty much screwed us from doing anything except saving money. It's so bad, that I am heading out this weekend to see if I can find a part-time job! And Josh mentioned the 'S' word in regards to my truck...that word being 'Sell.' I will have to get to the point where I eat Ramen noodles (and I don't like Ramen) before I let my truck go! I have been through too much to get and keep it! I have a feeling this will be a huge point of contention for us.
Anyways, just say a prayer that all of this gets better and I don't lose my job!!
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