I haven't posted any new (or recent) pictures of the dogs in quite a while. I've started taking pictures of them a couple of times a week. My computer is full of dog pictures. My mom laughs at me, because she says that's how it is with kids! Well, what else am I supposed to take pictures of? Josh? Ha! He really doesn't like to have the camera in his face!
I really don't have any pictures of Rylie. She's usually running around and won't stand/sit still long enough for me to capture anything worthwhile. Most of the shots I have a her are at night when she is exhausted, but looking awfully sad, pathetic, and cute all at the same time. Or she's in the background of the pics I have of Bayla.

I was able to get this picture though. I think this was back in January right after she got back from her hunting trip to West Texas. Something happened to her leg, and she didn't want to walk on it, so I put her in the chair out in the sun, and she was a happy camper the rest of the afternoon.
Bayla on the other hand is a camera hog!!! I know he doesn't "understand" that he is getting his "picture" taken, but he does know that something is happening, and he needs to sit still (at least most of the time). As soon as he hears the camera turn on, he immediately runs over to whoever is holding it and sits in front of them. I have since figured out how to turn the sounds off and I can usually get one unsuspecting picture out of him!

And if he's not sitting still, he has his face right in front of the lense!

He knows he's cute!

He even smiles for me!

And then there's the ball! I absolutely love this picture! If it had been Rylie, she would have already snatched it up. In fact, the picture after this is him going for it!

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