This is my baby girl, Rylie Sue. She really doesn't have a middle name, but somehow we started calling her that. Along with Bunny and Little Girl, among many others. She was the last of 5 puppies of Bayla and Abbie (my other JR that I lost in "the divorce" HA!) We always called her the "sad" one because she always had this sad, pathetic face. When the rest of her brothers and sisters went to their homes, I couldn't bear to let her go, so I kept her.
She has always been aggressive and very protective. She pretty much hates all men which I attribute to my dad and brother constantly harassing her since she was a puppy. It took her a few months to finally warm up to Josh. And now she absolutely LOVES him!

This is HER spot at night before bed- hanging out with Josh on the recliner
This is the sad face
When I was planting my garden, she planted herself right in the middle of where the tomatoes were supposed to go.

When I was at home while I was laid off, I would leave the back door open and she spent most of the day sunning herself on the deck.

She would lay out in the full sun for awhile and then come inside panting as if she had just run around the block!

And of course we played with the ball- A LOT!
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