It has been a really long time since I have done a good blog post. I have now been employed for close to 2 months. Not much else than work has been going on. At least nothing blog worthy.
* Things are going well in my new job! It has been an adjustment for sure, but a good one. There are only 4 people in the San Antonio office, with 15 or so people in the Houston office. Our office is by the airport and it overlooks the runway, so I get to see planes landing all day. It is a definite contrast to the previous employer in all aspects. I do miss having so many people to talk to during the day though.
* Josh and I have been doing Dave Ramsey's plan since January, so our going out time has been limited to what our "fun money" envelope contains. We are doing really well though and are getting the debt snowball rolling.
* Josh and I went home for the chicken butchering. I really couldn't get into it, so Josh, Dad, & Ryan did it. My mom said that she was going to become vegetarian! Not really, she's just happy they are no longer on her back porch!
* I went home this past weekend to hang out with the grandparents. One grandpa is 96, the other grandpa will be 91 at the beginning of September, and grandma will be 91 in a few weeks. They are slowly getting slower, but at that age, who wouldn't be? I have been working on my family tree off and on for a few years now and I had some questions to fill in some spaces, as well as pictures that were not marked. I got my questions answered and am now able to trace back to my great-great-great-great-great grandparents on my Grandpa Jim's side in the mid-1700s. Yes, that's 5 'greats'! I couldn't believe it! The last few of those greats were on a family tree that was completely in Czech, so I had to get them to translate for me. I am going back in a few weeks for the Praha picnic. Grandma has a box full of pictures, some marked, some not, so we are going to go through it and get them to tell us who is in them and where they were taken.
* My garden is pretty much dead. It just got way too hot here for anything to survive. The cucumber was doing really well and then the 100 degree heat wave hit and it couldn't make it. The squash followed suit and now it's the okra. The jalapeno and both tomato plants are still alive and have produce, but I think they may be next to go. We did get two really good tomatoes last week from it. Probably the best we have had all year!

Rylie laying out getting some sun!