The remainder of the month of October was spent in depression and despair. I literally didn't feel like doing anything. Unfortunately, (but lucky for me, I think???) we had a few family tragedies that kept my mind off being unemployed. And it was nice to be able to spend time with family knowing I didn't have to rush back to work.
November was spent looking for a job, I think. I really can't remember now. When you collect unemployment, you can't just sit on your rear and collect checks. You have to actually look for a job and document that process. Not that I am any good just sitting on my rear, so that really doesn't apply to me. I have to have at least 5 job searches a week! You would think that would be fairly easy, but not for me! It's just 5 little jobs! HA! For one, there are zilch, zero, none jobs as far as landscape architecture is concerned. So, I have ventured into office administration type jobs. Even that is not as easy as it sounds! I have two degrees for crying out loud, so I'd like to make a little more than $8 an hour and just answer phones. I have even applied at a few retail places, and have heard nothing back from all of them! My question to them is this, "If you have a sign saying you are hiring, and are excited when I tell you that I can work at any time, why won't you at least call me back?!?" Seriously.
This whole thing has been really disheartening and depressing. And I'm thinking that most places are not going to be hiring anyone at least until after New Years. That's my justification anyways.
Thanksgiving was a nice break from everything. I was even able to go home and help my mom get out all of her Christmas stuff and decorate the house. She has so much "crap" that it took both of us about 2 days to get everything out and put it up. And when I left, she still had a small pile of stuff to take care of. This last week has been pretty good too. I put together our Christmas gifts to everyone. A post about that will have to wait until after Christmas, because I don't want to spoil it in case anyone is reading! :)
I have also decided to do a pretty deep cleaning of the house. My mom has been in a cleaning mood at her house, and she has started sending stuff back with me to my house, so she has got me in a cleaning mood. I still have stuff in boxes from when we moved, so I don't have much room to store the stuff she is sending with me. I started my project with the master shower. I cleaned it pretty well when we moved in, and have cleaned it since, but it was in desperate need of a good, deep scrubbing. I am not one for clorox, but I bought a bottle yesterday and went to town! I was only able to do about half because the fumes were too much in the very small, not well ventilated bathroom, but that is my project for this afternoon.
This was supposed to be about how jobs are few and far between, but as I was typing the title I realized it was also pretty relevant to my blogging habit lately. You would think I would have all the time in the world since I don't have a job, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Every day I think about writing, but then lose track of time and before I know it, the day is over. I'm going to try to make a conscious effort to be better!
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