Now, I am not talking about the obvious flowers, trees blooming, sunny days, and warm weather.
I am talking about my annual springtime bout of poison ivy. And this year, I have no earthly clue how I got it! I'm starting to think it might be running in my blood! This year is not too bad, just small spots on my inner arms, as well as my stomach. It has been bearable.
This is the 4th year in a row that I have had this crap! It all started in 2007, with the worst case I have ever had in my life.

Looking at this picture, it doesn't
look all that bad, but oh my goodness, was it hell on earth! That spot on my left wrist is courtesy of my watch! Apparently in all my blondeness, I didn't think to thoroughly clean my watch after I got done playing in the bushes. Oh yeah, and I forgot to wash the dog's collars, so that was also a source. This picture, also doesn't show the very large spot on my shoulder and the back of my thigh.
This all occured after I went back to Lubbock from spring break at home. They don't have poison ivy in Lubbock. The doctor had never seen what poison ivy looks like! I asked for a prednisone shot to take care of it, but oh no, this guy wanted me to do a week long dose of oral steroids. Well, imagine my "surprise" when after the week, the poison ivy that was
starting to look better starting getting worse. And when I went back to the doctor, he told me that he didn't want to give me anymore steroids! Seriously! I almost had a heart attack!
I have now become an expert of sorts on what over the counter poison ivy medicine works the best...I have tried them all! In my experience, Calagel is the best!! Very cooling and soothing. After last year's case, I now use Burt's Bees poison ivy soap. Absolutely a god-send!
And then there are the home remedies. In '07, since I couldn't get any medicine, I had to resort to the OTC stuff and home remedies. I did lots of googling, trying to find some relief. You will find all sorts of crazy stuff that people try! Someone even talked about pouring bleach on it! OMG! Seriously! The absolute best remedy is hot water, scalding hot water. Yes, I said it! When I read about it, I thought is was craziness! But one night in the shower, after almost completely scratching my skin off, I thought I would try it. Start with running warm water over the area, and slowly start turning the water hotter and hotter until you can't stand it. The area will start itching like crazy, but hold steady for awhile. After you get out, the itching will have magically stopped (at least for a few hours). The hot water gets the histamines out, and it feels so good!!
It's never been as bad as it was that year, but now I am armed with an arsenal of tricks to tame it before it gets too out of control!
Here's to spring!!