I had a job interview Friday morning. It was supposed to be Tuesday, but they called on Monday to reschedule for Wednesday. Then called Tuesday to reschedule for Friday. It was for work at a landscape architecture company - something that I thought was completely out of reach at this point.
The interview went really well! They said they had talked to one other person, and would make a decision and let me know something Monday.
I got home and immediately started getting ready to go to Austin for Josh's company's golf tournament. About 45 minutes after I got home, my phone rings and the caller ID has the number of the company. I answer it and they tell me that they would like to offer me a job and want me to start Monday (meaning today!)!! Of course, I accept! Then immediately call Josh and tell him and it was loud enough for his whole office to hear! There was a very loud chorus of "Congratulations!" from his coworkers. I couldn't quit smiling!
They called back again a little while later, and when I saw the number, I almost had a panic attack thinking they were going to say that they had made a mistake! :)
The golf tournament was a lot of fun! I got to be a beer cart with some of Josh's coworkers, so we drove around all afternoon drinking and having random dance parties in the middle of the fairway (or tee box or cart path). It was a great way to spend the day!
Saturday and Sunday I had a to-do list for things around the house I needed to get done before starting a job. I know I should have just taken it easy, but I had been doing that for 6 months, and it was things that I really wanted to get out of the way like dusting, sweeping, and vacuuming. And I threw in a little clothes shopping as well! I had some birthday money burning a whole in my purse, so I headed out to JCP to get some new work clothes! They were having a sale and I stocked up on some cute tops!
And speaking of 6 months...tomorrow will be exactly 6 months that I had been laid off. For these last 6 months I have had some of the worst rollercoaster emotions so far in my life. I never was really "flying high," but I have definitely been lower than I ever have. Unless you have actually been unemployed, there is no way for you to understand it. It is so lonely, and isolating, and depressing. There were times when I could empathize with people who kill themselves in situations like being laid off. I never got to a point where I would do that to myself, but I can now understand how someone who doesn't have supportive friends and family could. It is the most helpless situation. You send out hundreds of applications to not hear anything at all. Even an email saying you were not hired is a million times better than nothing at all. There is usually not even a response that they received your information. And in today's world where everything is done online, you usually have no clue who to contact to even ask about it.
So this job has come at a great time! I think it is going to be a great experience! I'm having to relearn CAD because it's been almost a year since I've worked with it and the last time it was 2007 Light! This company just upgraded to 2010. I have a feeling it's going to be a long week!
I'll check back in on Friday to recap my first week back at work!
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