I can't believe that the new year is here already! It just doesn't seem possible! I am seriously hoping that 2010 will be much kinder to us than 2009 was. I don't know if I can handle another year like that!
We really didn't do anything special for New Year's Eve. Josh had to work til noon and then we went out and ran errands. We rented some movies, watched those, and stayed up for midnight at the Tower in San Antonio, then went to bed. We are old. Very old. At least we made it to midnight! I don't think I can say the same for last year.
On New Year's Eve, I spent some time thinking about where I had spent past NYEs:
1999: I was dating Matt, my ex, at the time and he and his sister had a party at their house which was out in the country. A few friends came out and we had a lot of fun! I can remember it like it was yesterday! This was also when everyone was freaking out about Y2K and the world or something blowing up at the stroke of midnight. My mom made me come home before midnight just in case something happened. Of course, nothing did. I really didn't like her that much for making leave early for nothing!
2000: I'm pretty sure it was with Matt again and some friends of ours. We were in the truck on the way (late) to a party when midnight came and went.
2001: I had started dating a guy named Josh earlier that year, who lived in Ft. Worth. My mom and I went to Ft. Worth for New Year's and his brother, he, and I went to Billy Bob's where we rang in the new year.
2002: Same Josh as above and I, along with my friend Laura, and her boyfriend (now husband) Jason went to New Orleans for New Year's Eve. What the heck my parents were thinking letting me go, I have NO idea! I wasn't even 21 at the time! We had a blast that trip! Lots of time on Bourbon St. and plenty of beads generously given to us, not earned! If Bourbon St. was as crazy as it was that night, I would NOT want to be there for Mardi Gras. I can only imagine the insanity then! We decided to leave Bourbon St. before midnight and make our way back to the hotel which was quite a distance from Bourbon St. We had had to take a bus down there and one back. But you are talking about kids who don't normally use public transportation and had consumed some drinks! We could not figure out which bus to get us back to where we needed to be!! Finally we got on one that dropped us off near (I say that sarcastically) our hotel. We had to walk quite a ways in the dark, along I-10 in New Orleans to get to the hotel. Midnight came as we were walking. I am still amazed we lived through that!
2003: I had started dating Jacob by this time, but I can't remember if I celebrated New Year's with him that year. I have blocked out a lot of my time with him, so details are a little fuzzy.
2004: See 2003. Same story.
2005: I had broken up with Jacob by this time, but I don't remember if I did anything. Probably sat at home at my parent's. Not sure. The fogginess from Jacob carried over I guess!
2006: Josh (the husband) and I were dating at this time and we spent it at his family's ranch with some of his friends. We had a good time being in the middle of nowhere!
2007: We were engaged earlier in the month!! One of Josh's friends and his wife came to SA for a little vacation and we spent the evening with them on the Riverwalk. I had been diagnosed with mono at the beginning of the month and was exhausted by midnight, so Josh and I left early and made it to my apartment by midnight, but I made it!
2008: We had spent Christmas in Ft. Stockton last year, so we were in Schulenburg for New Year's and Christmas with my family. My dad started a little fire out in the woods and we roasted marshmallows and hung out. No big deal, but lots of fun.
2009: Sitting on the couch watching movies. Nothing wrong with it, but realizing how old we have become!!
Going back over the last decade, it is so interesting to see where I was, where I went, and now, where I am. I graduated high school. Graduated from college. Went through a lot of boyfriends. Finished coursework for my masters (damn thesis). Had two grandparents pass away. Had two real world jobs. Bought a house. Got married.
Lots of stuff has happened in the last decade and it makes me excited to see where I will be in another 10 years!!
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