Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Wedding Stuff

It is now less than three weeks until the wedding!!! AAAGGGGHHHHHHH! That feels much better! I am really starting to feel the nerves a little more. And it's nerves that I'm getting married...it's nerves that everything goes according to plan! I have already resigned myself to the fact that something is going to go wrong, but a girl can dream right? :) When my mom was here this weekend, we took care of buying some stuff for the reception, and then I sent her home with a car loaded down with wedding related crap! I want the only thing I have to take home with me before the wedding to be our suitcases for the honeymoon, and so far we are on track for it actually happening that way.

Josh has only 5 more jars to put wire on, which should be done this evening, which will mean all the jars are done! Woohoo! I've started taking clothes out of the closet and getting toiletries in order for honeymoon packing. Last week the high was 60 in Vancouver...I can't wait for some cooler weather! Mom, Josh, and I were talking this weekend and I said that when we leave Vancouver, we'll be (more like I'll be) all bundled up and when we get off the plane in Houston, we'll be stripping down!

I'm heading home this weekend to do last minute checks on everything. The next time I go home will be the Wednesday before the wedding! I really can't believe it's here already! Back in December, October seemed so far away! And now it's here!

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