Friday, June 13, 2008

Only a man...

Only a man would could have come up with the procedures used by female doctors. I say this because I had my annual day of doctors appointments in Austin yesterday. We were getting started pretty early so I drove to Austin Wednesday evening to spend the night with Ryan and Rach at the apartment. It was so nice to be able to sleep in until 7:30!! We went to eat breakfast at Whole Foods. That's their new place to eat meals and I have to say it was really good! Then it was time for the fun to start. The female doctor was first. What a way to start a day, huh? They took their sweet time getting me in. When mom got there, she set them straight and within 5 minutes I was in a room, sitting on the table freezing my ass off in the paper thin gown! I was out of there within 20 minutes and headed north to the next appointment...the dermatologist.

I thought it was just going to be a check over of my moles to make sure everything was ok. Well, that happened, but also I had to ask her what the hell I need to do about these crazy zits I am getting worse as a 26 year old than I ever had in high school. She hooked me up with all kinds of creams and an oral antibiotic. Let's hope this shit gets cleared up before October!! She also removed this crazy little mole thing I had on the back of my knee. Let me tell you, that numbing shot back there hurt like hell!!! I don't remember ever getting a shot so painful!! Luckily it small and it was over quickly, but it felt like the longest 10 seconds of my life!!

And then it was time for the dentist. I really wasn't dreading it, but a visit to the dentist is never fun. Everything came out great there. No cavities!! Woohoo! Plus, I love visiting with the ladies there. I have to go back in six weeks to get my chipped tooth fixed, but nothing big!

Mom and I then met Rach for a late lunch at Red River Cafe, near campus. If you have never been there, you should definitely try it out. It's one of those little hole in the wall places that is really delicious! After lunch, I got on the road to beat the I-35 traffic out of town. I got back pretty early and laid on the couch and read a book the rest of the afternoon. It was nice just to relax. But it was really hard to go back to work today.

Josh is in Ft. Stockton this weekend, so I am planning to do some cleaning this weekend and maybe a little relaxing by the pool. I really need some sun!!

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