Thursday, January 29, 2009


I'm so not going to turn this into a political blog by any means, but I just had to post these cartoons. We all know I have my concealed handgun license which allows me to carry a gun with me almost at all times within the state as well as in states we have reciprocation with. I also own a gun that I am proud to say I can shoot pretty darn well. I don't carry my gun with me at all times. It stays at home beside the bed so that if someone should break in, I can defend myself and the dogs and maybe Josh (just kidding honey!), and I take it with me when I travel. Yes, I have flown with it. That was quite the experience! I was flying from Lubbock to Austin, and it had been awhile since I had shot it, so I wanted to do some target practice at home. When you are flying with a gun, you have to show your license, plus the gun has to be unloaded in a locked case, inside a locked, checked bag. Well, when you check in you have to show the ticket agent the locked, unloaded gun. The looks I got were priceless! I'm sure those people were wondering what this little girl with a gun was doing flying with it! Ha!

My dad bought it for me when I lived by myself in Lubbock. His stipulation for buying it for me (because as we all know, guns are not cheap!) was that I would have to shoot it on a regular basis so that I stay accurate and familiar with it, and be able to handle an intruder! My only fear is that I will die of heart attack first if someone actually does break in! And the advice I have gotten concerning an intruder have freaked some people out. I have been told by two different people on different occasions that if someone breaks in, I should shoot them until they fall down, then go over and finish out my bullets. And when the police get there and ask why I shot five times (because I have a revolver), I should say, 'because I ran out of bullets.' If that doesn't make you think...I'll be honest and say that it kinda freaks me out to think that!

Anyways, all this started because this afternoon I got an email about a bill that was recently filed dealing with the federal regulation of guns and how we are going to have go get a permit, and jump through lots of hoops, and basically law abiding citizens will be forced to give up their guns. It's only been filed, with no co-sponsors, so nothing will probably happen with it, but it's still scary to think that I will not be able to defend myself from some crazy intruder who illegally has a gun. I'm not going to get into it here, (I'm sure it's obvious who I didn't vote for) but in doing some surfing this afternoon, I found these two cartoons and couldn't resist posting.


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