Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Going once, going twice...

and the house goes to.....


Yes, we are in the process of finalizing the contract to buy a house! Am I scared out my mind? You bet! Am I excited? You bet! Am I nervous? Hell yeah! I can't believe it. Christina, one of our secretaries told me the other day that we were getting two big things out of the way in the same year...wedding and a house. And she said all we'd need is a baby on the way and we'd have it covered. And I told her that that was not funny at all!! No, there is not a baby on the way!

We put the offer in this morning and our realtor called this afternoon and they countered, but we can deal with what they want. I hate to be premature, but I'm pretty certain this is going to work out.

They want to close at the end of June, so by July 1st, we'll be in our "brand new to us" house!!!!

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