Monday, May 19, 2008

Spoke too soon

So, I guess this is what I get for opening my big mouth so soon.

We went to look at the house again last night. It is on a zero lot line so we were not able to look at one side of it yet. However, we were in the front yard and noticed the neighbor out as well, so we asked if we could go look at it. About halfway down, we all stop and see a huge crack going from the foundation all the way to the top. And this was not some hairline crack, this thing had to be between 1/4" to 1/2" thick! Our realtor told us that we should just walk away from this deal because there is no telling what other problems there.

That's all fine and good. I am extremely disappointed because this was the perfect house and neighborhood for us! When I got home, I kept thinking about it and was bothered that the sellers had not said anything because there is no way you could not have noticed this thing. I looked through the inspection from when they bought it and noticed that there was a note about a larger than normal crack. So that means that this crack has been there for 4 years. We talked to our realtor this morning and she found out from their realtor that they knew it was there but for whatever reason did not think it was a defect!!! So, now I'm thinking, 'if they think this is not a defect, what else are they not telling us.'

Ugh, this is so frustrating. So, it's back to square one!!

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