Monday, August 11, 2008

The road goes on forever...

or at least it feels like it does when you are headed out west on I-10 in a truck with 4 people, 2 dogs, and more than enough luggage for the weekend.

Josh and I, along with my parents, headed to Ft. Stockton this weekend for a couple's shower/party put on in our honor. Woohoo!! Surprisingly, we left SA around 2:45. This was a huge point of contention last week with my dad. He is notorious for not leaving on time, and I did not want him to do the same for this trip. He knows it bugs the crap out of me and I sometimes think he does it just to spite me. Anyways...I called him Friday morning to tell him that Josh's parents were expecting us to be there by dinner so he needed to leave S'burg no later than 12:30. Lo and behold, I got a call just after 12:30 that there were on the road. So far, so good until they get to San Antonio. He decide he wants Starbucks. The closest one I know of that is on our way out is in Leon Springs, but on the opposite side of 10. So, we go and he's happy, as are the rest of us because we all got calorie and fat filled drinks to satisfy our cravings we didn't know we had! The rest of the way there was pretty uneventful. We all talked, read the newspaper, pointed out particular landmarks (boobie mountain, windmills, deer stands), played the M&M game, and watched the price of gas get higher as we headed west. We got into FS, check the parents into the hotel and headed to Josh's parents house and then to eat. Mmm, nothing like good mexican food late at night.

Saturday started bright and early at 7:00 because we all were headed out on a little road trip through the countryside. We started out by heading west to Balmorhea. The state park has the largest spring fed pool and it is COLD! But it's such a cool (no pun intended) place. We spent a little time walking around and then got back in the van to continue on the trip. Next stop was Ft. Davis. We first went to the state park there to check out Indian Lodge and then we drove up the scenic route to check out the surrounding landscape. Whenever I load my pics, I'll have to post some because the view is gorgeous. After that we headed into town to eat at the original drugstore. Wow, the burgers were delicious!! Mom, dad, and I shared a banana split that was so worth it. We're already planning a trip there in the spring. After lunch, it was back in the van for the return trip to FS. I was able to catch a little bit of a nap, which was much needed. We dropped my parents off and went to meet Josh's aunt from New Mexico who had come in for the weekend. We visited with her for awhile til we had to start getting ready for the party.

The party was so nice! The hostesses made it a "Fiesta" theme, so everything was bright and colorful and they made some great mexican food. It was nice to get to visit with the people I already knew and meet some new ones. We got some really great gifts too. We only had to actually open a few, but while we did, we were forced to wear huge about embarassing. We were later told that we were supposed to wear them the whole time! Yeah right! It was a long night and early morning again. Josh's mom cooked a really good brunch for everyone and we stuffed our faces again! We visited a little more, then loaded up and headed back east. I think the trip back felt longer. It could have been because I was tired or that my oldest (and heaviest) dog slept in my lap for the majority of the trip. Rylie is grouchy when she is tired, and on Sunday, she was tired. So every time Bayla so much as shifted and barely touched her, she was growling and trying to nip at him. Therefore, I moved him to my lap which is where he stayed, sound asleep on his back, feet in the air. I just wish I could sleep that easily and soundly!

We got home, unloaded, and sat for a few minutes. I then unpacked all our gifts, which were mostly kitchen items, washed, dried and put them away. I didn't even get to unpacking my suitcase. I took a shower and headed to bed. I don't know if I was so tired or what, but I fell asleep and don't remember waking up once until my alarm rang.

It was a long, quick weekend, but a lot of fun. Now, all we have is 9 weeks, 5 days until the wedding!

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