* I made candy-coated pecans for Josh's and my coworkers, and put them in cute little Christmas bags. I wanted to include divinity, but my mixer had other plans for me. It was running for about 45 minutes when the gears locked up and didn't want to work again. Luckily, I got one batch out of it, but it would have only been enough for one piece a person, and if you've ever had divinity, one piece is not enough, you need more like 5! So now the plan is to take that batch with us to Christmas and I'm hoping that it makes it to West Texas! hint hint...it's really good! And I'm also now in the market for another stand mixer. It would be oh so nice to have one of the $400 KitchenAid mixers, however, I know that sucker is not in the cards for me. At least not anytime soon!
* I got all the Christmas cards done and mailed out. Nothing like waiting until the last minute!
* I did every single piece of clothing that was piled on my floor, plus sheets and blankets. I even managed to put away all the clothes that were washed. I hate putting away clothes!!
* I managed to finish our Christmas gifts and get them wrapped. Since the dollars are tight this year, I made everyone Christmas ornaments. Some of them turned out really well! And now I'm kicking myself for not taking pictures of all of them! I have a few that need to be mailed out so I'll try to remember to take some pictures of those.
* I figured out where the dogs will be spending Christmas. My mom flat out refused to take them both this year. Not that I really blame her because she has been watching them for close to five years now. And when they are both together, they can be a handful for someone who doesn't see them all the time. Heck, their a handful for me sometimes and I see them all the time! So, we compromised and she will take Rylie and Josh and I will take Bayla. They are like two completely different dogs when they are separated. Take them away from their "pack mentality" and they are more submissive and sweeter, so things should go well. I have to meet my mom for the "exchange" at the rest stop on I-10. Sometimes it feels like a custody exchange, and can be quite humorous, especially if they are on medicine or something.
* The one thing I didn't get done was the thank yous, but that is on my list for tonight. I think I may only have 15 left. Darn procrastination!
I've got some posts scheduled for later this week, so keep an eye out. I hope they actually post! Merry Christmas! I'll be back next week!

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