So I threw one comforter in the wash and got the rest piled up and ready for action. And I have the most amazing pet cleaner ever! It took me until a few months ago to find it (and I've had dogs for almost 5 years!), and I love it! If you've ever heard of Perfect Glass cleaner, then you know what I am talking about. That stuff is awesome! Anyways, they make Perfect Pet cleaner. I saw it at Garden Ridge and thought, 'if their glass cleaner is so good, surely this would be good too.' And it is! It gets out stains and smells! And it doesn't leave that soapy residue most other pet cleaners do. (They also make Perfect Stainless for stainless steel stuff).
So, as I am cleaning up the mess, I keep thinking it's probably Bayla who has done this (because he has the sensitive stomach usually), when I see a little piece of torn plastic bag. Hmm...who could that have been from? Then I remembered Sunday night Josh came into the bedroom and informed me that Rylie had gotten into the guest room where I had put their travel baskets...complete with towels, leash, toys, medicine, and a ziploc full of treat bones. He caught her mid-chowdown and took them away. I went to the guest room and found a chewed up bag with not a whole lot of bones left. Little stinker! But you wouldn't know it that she was the culprit last night because she was acting completely normal! I did give her some diarrhea medicine just in case, but I'm sure it was all temporary. We'll see when I get home tonight!

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