Thursday, December 31, 2009

Dog's Christmas

My puppies got to have their own Christmas while at my parent's. Every year Walmart has stockings with dog toys for $5. I buy each dog their own and that is all the toys they get for the year. It's about 12 toys for $10. Sounds pretty good to me!

They each have their own stocking as well that I put the toys in. I took those to grandma's house and they got to "open" them Christmas Eve.

These pictures are a little blurry because they wouldn't sit still long enough for me to get a good one!

Bayla sitting on his stocking

He went absolutely crazy when he got the new toys! He immediately laid down to start chewing!

This is the only picture I got of Rylie, but she was trying to get away!

Checking out another toy

Enjoying another one

Bayla & Josh with his stocking

His favorite thing to do is lay down and hold the toy in his mouth, but not really chew on it.
They had a really good Christmas and are really enjoying all their new toys!


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